jasa kami

In addition to our existing stock products, we can produce a wide range of products according to customer requirements or samples. We will communicate with you in detail in the early stage. After product confirmation, we will give the customer a sample silk before production, and we will start production after customer confirmation. In the production process, we will strictly control product quality, and if there is any quality problem, we will handle it well after sale. The quality and efficiency of our products are few and far between.

The tenet of Changshu Polyester Co., Ltd. nyaéta pikeun ngahontal jauh jeung meunang kalawan kaunggulan. Misi perusahaan kami nyaéta pikeun museurkeun kana masalah konci para nasabah, nyayogikeun produk anu kompetitif, sareng nyiptakeun nilai maksimal pikeun konsumén. Nilai inti perusahaan: integritas sareng patuh hukum, inovasi pragmatis, palayanan heula, kerjasama win-win, sareng narékahan pikeun nyiptakeun kauntungan anu maksimal pikeun karyawan, perusahaan sareng masarakat.

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